Andy Kim



As a kid, my grandfather kept a list of all the tech issues he was having. For example, a remote control was a source of frustration and vulnerability, and I felt his pain. I created a basic user guide and taped down all the buttons he didn’t need. A simple solution made such a huge impact, and it ignited a passion within me. Why wasn’t he considered? Who forgot about him?

When it comes to design, I focus on the details and the subtleness of how people feel and what I can do to make individuals feel special through helping them recognize their importance. I combine my design thinking with empathy to create warm and memorable experiences through physical products.

The challenge that I enjoy is to come to a design that bears universality and yet detailed enough to cater to the prominent needs of various user groups.

Hi, my name is Andy Kim, and I am your product + experience designer.

  • Contact Andy Kim

    LinkedIn (Update in Progress)


    Design Under Pressure Workshop representative
    September 2018 - September 2018
    Mexico City

    ArtCenter Product Design Department
    Student Worker
    January 2018 - Present
    Pasadena, CA

    Dollar Shave Club
    August 2014 - December 2015
    Marina Del Rey, CA

    July 2012 - October 2012
    Seoul, Korea

  • Gallery/Exhibit

    Student Gallery
    The Color Swatches of Everyday Objects
    Sanctum Temporary Housing, exhibited at The Main Museum

    Core Strengths

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